

Hi, I am Siddharth. This is my website. I made this website by myself.
Over here i will give some'll need to download µtorrent for some files.
Don't worry no files have viruses. Though not all are my files.REMEMBER NOT ALL ARE ME FILES SO I AM NOT RESPONSIBALE OF ANY LEGAL ISSUES.


  1. movies
  2. games for pc
  3. games for android
  4. youtube
  5. movies online
  6. hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorse
  7. GET FREE 5$ INSTANT LEGIT NOT FAKE* (check the end of the page for more info)


  1. Film perfection shot chart
  2. aliens-siddharth
  3. Free Microsoft office 2013
  4. Super Mario Bros Online
  5. My hand writing font file place it in the C:/Windows/Font folder to use the handwriting
  6. more coming soon....

How to access my files

There are three methods I used to sent the files click the below buttons to navigate around the page

Green link usage
Red link usage
Blue link usage
Black link usage

The Green links

This type of links are for the torrent files.
To use these files you will need to download a torrent program, link in the files cartogary Click here

Step 1

install the program Click here

Step 2

Click any green link and a file will start downloading.

Step 3

Then open the file ,if a prompt asks which program to use click utorrent.

Step 4

Choose where to download the files.

Step 5

Go to the location you choose. Enjoy, (if it is a game you are downloading open the setup file)


The Red links

This type of links are for the Megaz files.

Step 1

click the red link. It will take you to a website called megaz dont worry It is a trusted website for high speed file sharing.

step 2

Click download and use the files DO NOT LEAVE THE SITE WHILE ITS DOWNLOADING.


The Blue links

This type of links are for the Pdf files.

Bruh just click the link


The Black links

This type of links are for Navigational purposes.

Bruh just click the link it will transport you to another website/page

* Although you will get 5$ free you need to earn 15000 cr to redeem 20$ minimum reqiurement.
You could use content delivery for faster payments.
You are required to create a account (its free) to redeem the 5$. Click the link To get started.